Toenail Fungus
What is toenail fungus? Toenail fungus is known as onychomycosis which can affect both the toenails and fingernails. The fungus may cause the nails to become thicker, discolored, disfigured or it may cause splitting.
Thickened toenails can cause pain due to pressing against the inside of the shoes, leading to irritation, pressure and curvature of the toenails if they are not properly treated.
Who gets toenail fungus? Toenail fungus can happen to almost anyone but it appears to be on the rise due to the increased diagnosis of Diabetes. Also aging, hygiene and a weakened immune system can play a factor.
How can it be treated? Fungus of the toenails can be treated in various ways
1. Topical antifungal. The medication is usually a cream or liquid and needs to be applied daily for several months to one year to see improvement
2. Oral antifungal medication: There are several oral medications on the market but before I prescribe any of these medications, the patient must get a liver function test to make sure that the liver is healthy enough to support the medicine.
3. Laser toenail treatment: Laser toenail therapy utilizes a heat laser.
4. Removal of the toenails
Will I be cured? At Integrative Foot and Ankle Centers of Washington, we will do a thorough evaluation to discover the best treatment option of you. Just as all feet are not the same, no one treatment is the same for every individual.
Also, we strive for excellence but none of the treatments may cure the fungus 100%
Are you sure that it's fungus? Some bacterial infections and changes of the toenails related to aging can mimic toenail fungus. A biopsy of the toenail may be performed in the office to discovery what offending organism may be in the toenail.
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