Sunday, November 23, 2014



What are they?
Orthotics are devices that can be applied to your shoes to provide structural or supportive changes.

Why do I need them?

Orthotics can be used for conditions such as flat foot, bunions, hammertoes, neuromas, amputations and heel spurs. They are also helpful for people who stand or walk frequently throughout the day.

What if I'm a Diabetic?
Orthotics can also be used to provide cushion and reduce pressure and friction in Diabetic patients.

Will they help if my feet hurt while working out?
Orthotics can be be useful to maximize your walking or running routine. 

How do I get a pair?
Come into the Renton office for an evaluation of what type of orthotics will be best for your individual needs.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Do you have a callus or a wart?

Many patients come into the office with painful lesions on the bottom of the foot. Some patients will have self diagnosed their condition and even begun a treatment regimen of topical creams, ointments, salves or even compound products (2 or more elements (medications) mixed into one).
Usually these products don't work or the patient is not seeing the results that they expect, so they appear in the office for a consultation.

Usually a scraping of the lesion with a scalpel blade is necessary to determine exactly what kind of lesion is on the foot. This scraping is usually not painful.
Different types of lesions:
Callus usually form in areas of pressure or friction. They usually appear yellow or gray.

Warts are viruses caused by Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). Warts have many different color variations such as gray, brown, or pink. Some have dark spots throughout or A single dark spot in the middle. Warts will not usually go away on their own if the immune system is weakened.

Treatment for calluses is usually shaving the lesion down and applying cream to soften them.

Treatment for warts usually consists of shaving down the lesion, freezing the lesion, applying Salicylic Acid and covering the lesion to prevent it from breathing. Laser therapy can even be performed.

My office can help you determine what lesion you may have and perform the appropriate treatment option. We also have a state of the art laser. Stop by for a consultation.